Pandora’s Box — 2 years later

by illuminatingthebox

It has now been just over two years since I purchased my subscription to Vin DiCarlo’s Pandora’s Box system, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to look back and write a post-script of how my experience using the system has changed my dating life between then and now. After extended, long-term use, does it still live up the advertising hype? Or is it just a flash in the pan where things go well for a few months while you’re in the program, but lacks the staying power to sustain for a greater length of time?

Before I answer that, I will explain how the material itself evolved once the eight-month program came to an end. After being bestowed with the cheesy Doctor of Female Psychology certificate, I thought the final curtain had fallen. I logged on a couple more times over the next few weeks, and didn’t observe any changes, so I assumed there was no more left to see. I eventually stopped checking and stopped writing this blog.

After several months went by, I went back to the website just for grins. I fully expected to get an error saying that my account was deactivated or something, but to my surprise, I not only was able to log in, but I was greeted with a completely redesigned site. Members Area 2.0 was easier to read, and slightly easier to use. But more than just the look, I noticed there was a whole lot of new material. There were audio recordings of interviews with various personalities in the seduction community on how guys could elevate their “game” further, post-Pandora’s Box, by making some tweaks. It was kind of like a booster shot for Pandora’s Box subscribers, but the advice they were giving was basic and general, not structured around Vin DiCarlo’s 8 types. In fact, Pandora’s Box was barely mentioned by name. Each week, another part of the interview was added, and other interview series were added too, expanding into direct advice from women which was both candid and educational. In total, 40 more weeks of material were added to the original 33, and my account continues to remain active to this day without any additional payment required. Pretty nice.

But beyond that, let me talk about how using Pandora’s Box has personally helped my dating life these last two years. A warning that this is going to sound like the typical testimonial that I gagged and scoffed at before I subscribed, and will undoubtedly bring haters that will point to this as evidence that I am somehow Vin DiCarlo in disguise or accuse me of working for DiCarlo Coaching because there’s no way somebody could honestly be helped by this “scam” product. Whatever. I can’t control what people think, and I don’t care if they believe me or not. I just report the facts.

Before I got the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system, I was a 38-year old virgin who had never been in a relationship. That’s right — never. Oh, I had plenty of female friends, but that’s just it. They were only friends. There was no romantic energy. I was a nice guy, a good guy that they knew and trusted and could depend on, but not a guy they would ever consider dating. And I had no idea why. I didn’t know what the hell I had to do to make them attracted to me as more than just the nice guy they could be friends with. So, reluctantly, I admitted to myself that I needed help and reached out to a pick-up artist product to give me guidance on how to relate to women in such a way that they would actually consider me as a potential boyfriend, not just a friend.

I digested the Pandora’s Box material and put it into action, determining the type of each woman I met, and applying the techniques that were prescribed for that type. Admittedly, I didn’t find a whole lot of success right away. Reading some of the comments that have come in on this blog since my last post, I’ve been seeing some frustration from those who subscribed to the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system about the lack of instant results. I was there too at the beginning. Pandora’s Box sort of sets up that kind of false expectation. Not only that, but the way things are taught in Pandora’s Box makes it sounds like it is encouraging quick escalation. That’s a big problem, and my worst mistakes at the beginning were the result of me moving too fast because that’s what I thought I was meant to do, and I was so wrong.

Once I started to exercise more patience, however, I got more consistent results. I battled through the failures and continued to work on applying the techniques to all the women I met — even women I wasn’t attracted to — just to practice. Slowly but surely I found more and more success. Women were approaching me, flirting with me, texting me, messaging me on Facebook, and trying to find excuses to spend more time around me, even to the point of blocking out other women. The amount of attention I was getting actually started becoming a little annoying to me. Pandora’s Box was indeed working. It was just a matter of making it work on a woman I really did want to date.

I finally found such a woman.  She was a classic Connoisseur, and the NDR techniques that Vin DiCarlo and Brian Burke taught were dead-on as far as getting her attracted and keeping her attracted. A first date lead to a second, and then a third, and then many, many more to the point where we’ve been dating happily for eight months now. She loves me, takes care of me, and encourages me to be a better person. She is supportive and tolerant of even my stupid habits. As was the intent of Pandora’s Box, this woman is totally devoted to me, and it feels absolutely fantastic. How much of it was me and how much of it was just kismet, I can’t entirely say. But I do believe the Pandora’s Box material played an instrumental role in getting me to this point. I’m happier than I’ve been in years, knowing that there’s a woman in my life that can be my emotional support.

But here’s the thing that will shock all of you readers: if your goal is to find one girl that you can have a long-term relationship with, I actually don’t think Pandora’s Box is the right product for you. You heard me correctly. Pandora’s Box is better suited for the guy that wants to have several casual sexual relationships going on at once. It discusses a wide variety of women, how to relate to each one that you want to attract, and how to turn them on to you alone. It encourages you to explore female variety. If you have decided to commit to a long-term relationship, knowing about that variety really doesn’t do you much good unless you’re out hunting for a fling. So, if you want a harem, Pandora’s Box is good education. If you’re looking to find Ms. Right, Pandora’s Box can help a little, but you won’t be using most of its features.

For those looking for a long-term partner, I would instead recommend something like MeetYourSweet which gives you a yearlong series on the basics of attraction for less than half the cost of Pandora’s Box. You may still want to come back to Pandora’s Box afterwards, but Pandora’s Box isn’t necessarily the best product to start with. In one of my blog posts, I said that Pandora’s Box was good for novices, but I’m going to backtrack on that a bit. Diving into Pandora’s Box at the beginning is like taking a 102 class without the fundamentals of a 101 class. You can sort of pick it up as you go, but it won’t be as smooth as if you had gone in with a foundational knowledge.

I can’t knock it completely, though, because it did help me get a girlfriend which may develop into something more if things continue to go well. Of course, you need to use your own judgement considering where you are emotionally and financially, and what kind of a love life you are looking to live.  Pandora’s Box is one tool you can use — a very good tool that has proven to be successful. As I have said repeatedly, results will not happen immediately, and won’t happen at all if you don’t try to implement the system, but with patience and determination, the end result could end up being exactly what you want. You just have to be willing to work at it.