Advancing the knowledge

by illuminatingthebox

As discussed in my earlier blog entries, the spine behind the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system is the eight different types of women spelled out in the Pandora’s Box Ulitmate Strategy Guide. You get that strategy guide for free, just for signing up, and you get to keep it even if you don’t remain with the program. The strategy guide alone is a valuable resource that will instantly help you improve your interactions with women, but there is a lot more depth behind these “strategies” which isn’t covered in the free material. This extra instruction is made available to you only when you pay to continue participating in the program.

As a paid member, you will get a new installment of the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box Advanced Strategies Guide once a month, for eight months. This is where the system gets into real nuts and bolts stuff ā€” applying techniques in specific ways to specific types of women.

There are eight parts to the “advanced” guide:

  1. Cold reading: How to immediately trigger an emotional response that initiates a meaningful conversation
  2. Approaching: How to catch the attention of that woman in the bar, cafe, or supermarket without fear of rejection
  3. Conversational Mastery: How to keep a conversation going in a way that will heighten her romantic interest
  4. Dating: Finding the right activity to set up the perfect first date
  5. Getting her Addicted: How to keep her around once you have her
  6. Physical Intimacy: How to have mind-blowing sex that will thoroughly satisfy her
  7. Threesome Strategies: (If I have to explain this one, you’re too young to be reading this blog)
  8. Total Devotion: How to ensure she will hold onto you and you alone for as long as you want

Not surprisingly, this material starts rolling in only on the 3rd week of the month, meaning you will not start getting your hands on it until after you have passed your 14-day free trial and have officially bought into the program.

Essentially, this is what your monthly membership fee pays for ā€” the video interviews and the Advanced Strategies e-books ā€” but this is also where the real meat of the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system is. The free material is great theory, but it can be found in other forms elsewhere. The paid material is all about getting the theory out of your head and applying it to actual situations in real life.

Is it worth the cost? Well, that depends on how much value you place on learning how to improve your love life, and whether you are able to successfully deal in the abstract concepts of the free material or need more concrete examples. It obviously was of value to me, because I ended up staying throughout the entire program. It would probably be of value to a lot of other guys too, and if you are one of those other guys, then it is smart to make the financial investment, learn ALL the material, and put it into practice.

That might all sound great, but what you really want to know is, does this stuff actually WORK?

That’s the $800 question, isn’t it?

And the answer is coming soon…