Reviews and Rebuttals

by illuminatingthebox

When I first signed up for Vin DiCarlo’s Pandora’s Box system, I did some scouring of the Web to see if I could find any good reviews. Maybe I was using the wrong search keywords, but at the time, there were very few. When I search now, I see lots of reviews. Perhaps it’s because more people are using the system, or maybe I’m just more tuned in, having now gone through the program myself. In any event, I’ve noticed praise and various criticisms among the chatter, and I thought it would nice to end this blog with a review of the reviews for anyone else who is weighing the option of joining the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system. Remember, these are only my views, but I am an actual customer who sat through the entire program, so I feel I have, at the very least, an informed perspective.

Criticism #1: The Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system is for experienced pick-up artists and is not something that should be used by novices.

I put this first because it is, perhaps, the most ludicrous claim I’ve seen. The truth is that the Pandora’s Box system is, by its very nature, targeted towards novices to get them to think like a pick-up artist without actually becoming one.

If you look at what real pick-up artists say about the program — you know, the guys every nice guy hates because they get women by being masters of manipulation — you’ll find that they consider Vin DiCarlo to be, at best, a minor league player. I’ve never met Vin personally, but those who have apparently consider him to be a sorry-ass excuse for a pick-up artist because he’s a short, mouse-faced guy that can only get ugly Asian women (their words, not mine). Since I myself am not a pick-up artist, I must trust their judgement, but to me, that isn’t a knock on the Pandora’s Box program. I sat in a real pick-up artist class once, and I swore never to go back again. What I saw in these players is a hidden hatred of women that leads them to lure a hot beauty into their firm control so that they can use her and lose her at will (they call it “gaming”). That’s not something I can stomach, and that isn’t what Pandora’s Box is about either. If you want that kind of life, don’t bother with Vin; go find a major league player that can teach you the tricks of the trade for a pretty fee.

Pandora’s Box is not so much a pick-up artist’s manual as it is about understanding how women think, and using that to your advantage when attempting to initiate romantic interest. It is well suited for novices, and personally I think Vin DiCarlo should market the program as something for novices, because having seen what real players are taught, I admit that Pandora’s Box packs about as much pick-up artist firepower as a BB gun. It could, potentially, cause harm when used improperly, and in the wrong hands, it may be a gateway to something more extreme; however, it is generally harmless in most contexts.

Now, I should clarify what I mean when I say “novices.” To me, that means nice guys who often come up short in the romance department. They have confidence, great personalities, good communication skills, are not unattractive, and yet still cannot get the girls to like them as more than a friend. Several reviews made mention of the fact that if you have lousy social skills, then this program will not help you. On that point, I must agree. You have to put the principles into practice to see results, and that will be hard to do if you have social anxiety disorder, terrible hygiene, or no fashion sense whatsoever. But those things can be overcome, and as you work to overcome them, the Vin Dicarlo Pandora’s Box system can give you the tools to take things up one more level. I’ve seen a few references to other books like Dating to Relating and Double Your Dating which cover similar material. I haven’t read any of these other works, but even though they may have a lot of the same theory, if they are thin on practical application, you’d still end up needing the Pandora’s Box stuff at some point.

Criticism #2: The Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system is expensive and is way too much material to digest.

Expensive? Yes. $800+ isn’t what many would consider cheap. A lot of material? Yes, which is why it is spread out over eight months, like a two-semester college course. That much is true. The question is more whether you are willing to put the time and money and energy investment into improving your dating life, because the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box system will do that for you. If you can’t afford the investment, I’m sure there are cheaper options out there without as much material. They may not be as effective, though, so ultimately, it’s your choice whether you want to pay for the quality. It’s like buying furniture — either you can go cheap and get shit from IKEA that will break down in a couple of years, or you can go to a real store and pay more for proper furniture that will last a lifetime. Your choice.

Criticism #3: Vin DiCarlo is a fraud and Pandora’s Box is a scam. Just look at the website.

This is the most common vituperation from the anti-PUA crowd: that the whole system is just one big deception and a costly rip-off.  You’ll even find a homemade exposé by a competing dating guru named Ross Jefferies, pointing out all the red flags on the sign-up website: the gotchas in the fine print, the hidden costs, the fake testimonials, etc. His points are valid; like any service you sign up for on the Web, when you enlist in the Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box program, you need to go in with eyes wide open and know what you are getting into. In an effort to oversell the program, a lot of amateur mistakes are made. The hard sell tactics, bloated claims, and sneaky price masking really do make it appear like a scam. But it is a real product, and you get real results from it; the marketing does it an injustice. I cover these issues in depth in my first three blog entries. Even though it sounds like a scam, it isn’t, and you if you Google “vin dicarlo pandoras box” you’ll find many more reviews which say “Is it a scam? — No” than you will “Is it a scam? — Yes.”

Criticism #4: The Pandora’s Box claims are over-exaggerated.

Though I have found better dating success with Vin DiCarlo’s Pandora’s Box system, I do have to agree that the initial claims are over the top. Like I said in some of my other posts, these guys specialize in hyperbole. They blow a lot of smoke that you have to wave away to see the reality. They make it sound like any girl you want will just come flocking to you without you really having to do anything. That isn’t true. You have to exercise the information, put it into practice with actual women, and that means approaching, talking, and following up. There are no “simple tricks” that magically work. You shouldn’t expect results without effort, but the Pandora’s Box system will tell you what kind of efforts are needed and how to make them more effective than what you were doing before. You won’t see instant results either. You need to be patient as you apply the knowledge, accepting that there will be early failures, but remaining confident that you will see improvement in the long run.

Criticism #5: You, Mr. IlluminatingTheBox, are a fake. You probably work for Vin DiCarlo. You don’t even use your real name.

Okay, so this isn’t an actual criticism that has come my way, but I’m anticipating it. The simple answer is no. I’ve never met Vin DiCarlo, I don’t work for DiCarlo Coaching or Alltare Publishing, and I don’t get any kickbacks if people sign up for Pandora’s Box. I started this blog simply because I found the system was effective, and I wanted to share that revelation with the social media masses. There is way too much hype and marketing for this product already, both before you get it, and even after as it continues to pound you with marketing while you are inside the program. I don’t need to add to that. But honestly, it works, and that’s really all I can say.

As for why I don’t use my real name? Well, having these techniques in your pocket surely is a little bit of a cheat in the dating game. Why would I want to potentially expose my secret to the women in my life? Let them just believe that I have a natural ability to understand them better than all the other guys. When you have a competitive edge, it’s best you keep it to yourself.